do you need to learn time management skills?
University 100 helps you to learn useful time management skills that will help you later in life!
"In high school I used to wish I lived in California so I would get three extra hours to do my homework." - Luke Yost |
are you under a lot of stress?
Learn stess-management techniques and go to class to discuss your problems and find alternative methods of dealing with stress from peers, classmates, faculty, and guest speakers!
"I don't have to kick the cat anymore!" - Scott Bradford |
can't find your way around campus?
A scavenger hunt assembled by instructors will help you orient yourself with the campus and learn information every freshman should know.
"I finally found the Johnson Center! Thank you, University 100." - Anonymous |
have sex problems?
If you have questions or concerns about sex, drugs, and rock and roll, University 100 can help you figure everything out.
"Who am I, where am I, what the hell is this?! What was in those mushrooms?!?!!?" - Scott's cat |
having trouble getting along with other people?
Diversity speakers, and a diverse classroom, provide practical everyday skills for dealing with all sorts of people.
"I realize that everyone is different" - Lauren Geerdes |
no matter what your problems, University 100 can help you tackle them! |
© 2000, Brown-Nose Productions (Scott Bradford, Luke Yost, Lauren Geerdes, and Megan Nicholas)